The Priory CofE Primary School



The Governing Body of the School is responsible to the parents, the Richard Thornton Foundation (who own the school building), the Government, the Local Authority and the Diocese.

 The main jobs of the Governing Body are:

  • setting aims and policies
  • ensuring all legal requirements are met
  • monitoring standards of teaching and learning
  • setting the budget
  • interviewing and appointing staff
  • acting as a link between the local community and the school

Our Governing Body is actively and enthusiastically involved in all aspects of the life of the school.  All governors sit on the Full Governing Board.

Members sit on the Finance and Premises Committee, the Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Committee (CAT), the Personnel Committee and the Communications Committee in addition to various teams such as the Faith Team and the Wellbeing Team. 

One governor visits the school every half term, popping into lessons and talking to the children. Individual Governors have responsibility for different curriculum areas and meet and support their respective teachers twice a year. Governors also try to support the school by attendance at special events. 

Information and how to contact a Governor


information on governors sept 2023 version 3 1 for af.pdf




All Governor Body minutes from the meetings are available to access, please contact the school office if you wish to view them.

Governor Annual Report

the priory full governing body annual report 20232024.pdf






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