Religious Education
Learning about religion (AT1) – Children find out and discover the main beliefs of different faith communities and how people of different faiths demonstrate their belief.
Learning from religion (AT2) – Children consider the key aspects of a faith and reflect on how they might gain a better understanding of the world from it.
During their time at The Priory, children will cover aspects of the six main religions – Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Christian themes will be covered in every year group – plus units on other world views – following the SDBE syllabus. The whole SDBE syllabus was created in 2016 and was agreed with local leaders of the main religions.
In Year 5 and 6, a whole unit is dedicated to the teachings in the Bible through a visitor delivering 'Bible Explorer'. Many lessons include visitors, trips and creative learning.
There are also subjects that cover a theme and look at how different faith communities understand that theme. In Reception, the children learn RE in weekly sessions that are linked to the learning they are doing that week, as well as the SDBE syllabus.
The children will be taught through a variety of strategies including drama, art and practical experience. Big questions are also posed and discussed in RE lessons e.g. 'Should Christians pray in church or in the natural world which they believe God created?'
Pupils' Thoughts on RE
Visits to places of worship and visitors
We welcome visitors into our school as often as possible. If you have any contacts of those who may wish to come into school to speak with the children, please contact the school office. Having a range of people from different faiths visiting the school, really livens up the lessons and is incredibly important for the children’s understanding. Each year group tries to visit a place of worship or invite a parent in to talk about their faith for example Year 1's visit to a Hindu Temple in Wimbledon.