‘Achievement for all, guided by God.’
The Priory is a proudly Christian school where our Christian values
Respect, Service, Courage, Generosity, Friendship, Compassion, Peace, Perseverance, Forgiveness, Thankfulness, Truthfulness
permeate through the life of the school.
Our motto, Achievement for all, Guided by God, is underpinned by the parable of the mustard seed:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” Mark (4:30-32)
- With our high expectations, Priory pupils achieve academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically. Our children grow into responsible, resilient, caring, healthy, curious and independent citizens with a lifelong commitment to learning and Christian values.
- Our pupils develop to be respectful and celebrate all, whether they are Christian, of other faiths, or of no faith. All members of our community, as children of God, will be embraced, celebrated and equally valued. We commit to ensuring that all of our community flourishes, experiences success, develops self-confidence and know that they are one of a kind.
- We are guided by God in all that we do, knowing that we are not alone and rooted in our Christian values that guide us every day. Our faith is strengthened by working together with the church, families and wider community, and in our united commitment to making a difference locally and globally.
Mission Statement
The Priory is a vibrant, Church of England school, aiming to provide an outstanding education, for all children to be happy and confident as they are challenged within a Christian environment of creativity, love and respect.
Voluntary Aided
The Priory C of E Primary is a voluntary aided Church of England school, which is owned by the Richard Thornton Foundation. The school offers excellent facilities for all curriculum subjects. We have specialist areas for music, computing and a large, well-resourced library, plus our amazing wildlife garden.
Our Equality Duties
We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.
We take our legal duties on equality seriously. We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.
We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages.
Award-winning Outside Space
We are fortunate to benefit from a large playground, an award winning wildlife garden and field for children to play in. The nursery and reception classes have their own playing areas directly outside their classrooms.
Performance Management
All staff are set performance management objectives at the beginning of the academic year, there are interim meetings mid year and they are reviewed at the end of each year.
All Faiths
The school welcomes children from all nationalities and faiths. Children with special educational needs are welcomed and well provided for, both in terms of teaching and facilities. Spacious classrooms on all floors are accessible by lift for anyone with a physical disability.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The Designated Safeguarding Leads are Lesley Steward(Headteacher), Alice Fletcher (Deputy Head) and Alexandria Williams (Assistant Head). All safeguarding concerns in the school are reported to Mrs Steward and Mrs Fletcher who work closely with the staff in the local authority and Education Welfare Officers. The school offers Childnet presentations to parents on internet safety every two years.